Romance Weekly – #LOVECHATWRITE

Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn’t you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all….. About our writing of course! Every week we’ll answer questions and after you’ve enjoyed the blog on this site we’ll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride!


Cursed be the Wicked final If you’re joining me from Jo Richardson’s wonderful blog, or just starting your journey here, welcome.Into the Darkness

Our three questions this week come from JJ Devine.


1. You’re moving right along with a storyline and suddenly it takes an unexpected twist. Do you go with the flow and follow where the twist leads you or do you conform your story to your way?

Well in my case, every twist is unexpected. I let my characters lead me around by my nose. But they always have a better story to tell than the one in my head, so I just follow along. Occasionally though, they do need a bit of a nudge back toward the ending we’ve both agreed is where the story is going.


2. What time of year is your best time for writing? Winter, Summer, Fall, Spring?

Winter, without a doubt. I live in Wisconsin, and hate the cold. Winter gives me the best excuse to stay in, keep warm, and write.


3. When looking for a publisher do you chose a traditional press, indie route, or one that does both, ebook and print?

My publisher, Soul Mate Publishing, does both print and eBook versions of novels, but only eBook versions of their novellas, and the print version tends to lag the release of the eBook by 6-8 months. There’s nothing like holding your baby in your hands physically, and it’s still hard to sign an eBook at book signings, so I try to have print versions available of everything I write. I self publish my shorter works and create my own print versions. Even my new Short Story, reGenesis: Dark Awakening has a print version available, though I plan to use it primarily as a giveaway at book signing events for promotion.

Dark Awakening half Cover
I’ve only had one story published that’s not available in print, a short story in the anthology Like A Coming Wave. The publisher said there was a possibility of a print edition, but it never happened. Regrets? I have a few.

Well, there you have it. Let me know what you think in the comments below, then click through to see how Fiona Riplee answered today’s questions.

22 thoughts on “Romance Weekly – #LOVECHATWRITE

  1. If Genesis is a continuation of your flash fiction I’m really looking forward to seeing how that story goes! Wisconsin….BRRRRR!

    • Sorry Jo. reGenesis is not a continuation of that story. I’m still knocking that around in my head. But it is a very similar tale about death and cloning that I wrote a few years ago. The whole Flash Fiction thing last week made me dig it out and put the book together.

  2. I’m seeing a theme with authors liking winter for writing, and I can certainly understand why. As a former Indiana girl, I remember those long winter days and how nice it was to stay inside and be toasty and warm. Here’s to a great, productive winter of writing for both of us!

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