With You in Spirit – a Demon Gate Chronicles prequel

After an extensive revamp of my web site, the next project on my “to do” list is to move my newsletter to a new service. And to entice my newsletter subscribers to move to the new service, I’ve written a new story – a story exclusively available to my newsletter subscribers.

With You in Spirit.

Is Joyce ready to move on despite the ghost from her past that haunts her?

Joyce “JJ” Jorgens is haunted by a past love. Seriously haunted. Quinn refuses to move on after death, believing he has something he still needs to do in this life. His continued presence makes it impossible for Joyce to move on with her life.

Hoping that a move to Wisconsin will help, she accepts a position as the head of a new Arcanist task force. But a strike against a demon compound causes Quinn to manifest.

Can she resolve his issues and finally move on with her life?

With You in Spirit is a Demon Gate Chronicles prequel story of demons, a lost love, and moving on.

This ebook is available free to subscribers of my new newsletter.

To subscribe go to: https://subscribepage.io/K7swJH

(Note: the old newsletter will be going away, so there is no need to unsubscribe from it if you are already a subscriber, but feel free to do so.)

After you subscribe you will receive an email with a super-secret download page for With You in Spirit.

What are you waiting for. Go get it.

Let the adventure begin,


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