
So, it’s been a while since I posted. This is by design. Things are changing and I needed a break to retool and recharge. But, I am alive and working on some big changes.

1. The End of Romance.

I’ve never gotten the traction I was looking for in the romance genre and now, with the implosion of the Romance Writers of America, it feels like the right time to go back to my Science Fiction and Fantasy roots. The lackluster release of Triptych had me thinking this way anyway, so for right now, Xi Force and all my other Romance series are on hold.

2. The Demon Gate Chronicles.

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Okay, everything old is new again. This is my transition series. Three Romance novellas I wrote years ago as the Demons Rising Series (Currently out of print forever). The stories have been tweaked, the explicit sex scenes have been shoved behind closed doors, and the Romance elements toned down. Instead I’ve opted for a somewhat darker toned urban fantasy feel to the series. New titles, new covers, and new genres. And there will be new books coming out in the series to extend the story. If you’re interested, links to these books are in the sidebar. —>

3. Reinventing myself.

Did you note the new graphic at the top of the page? That’s the new me. A little darker, a little more mysterious. We will still be adventuring in fantastic realms, but with a little less romance and a little more adventure. You’ll also see the new look on my Facebook and Twitter pages. And over the next few weeks I will also be updating my web site.

4. A hint toward the future.

Very soon I will be announcing a new release, the first brand new novel to kick off my transition to the Science Fiction and Fantasy genre. Can you say Epic Fantasy?


Adventure on!