Cover Reveal – Foolish Bride by A. S. Fenichel


Today I’m pleased to offer up a cover reveal for my friend and awesome author A. S. Fenichel:

Foolish Bride


Title: Foolish Bride
Series: The Forever Brides
By A.S. Fenichel
Genre: Historical Romance
Release Date : 3/28/2017
Publisher : Kensington Books
ISBN: 9781601839657



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Sadly ever after. . . unless some dreams really do come true?
Elinor Burkenstock never believed in fairy tales. Sure, she’s always been a fool for love—what woman isn’t? But Elinor knows the difference between fiction and truth. Daydreams and reality. True love and false promises. . . . Until the unthinkable happens, and Elinor’s engagement is suddenly terminated and no one, least of all her fiancé, will tell her why.
Sir Michael Rollins’s war-hero days seem far behind him when, after onelast hurrah before his wedding, he gets shot and his injuries leave him in dire shape. He wants nothing more than to marry Elinor, the woman of his wildest dreams. But Elinor’s father forbids it . . . and soon Michael is faced with a desperate choice: Spare Elinor a life with a broken man or risk everything to win her heart—until death do they part?

About the Author:

A.S. Fenichel gave up a successful career in New York City to follow her husband to Texas andA1 Headshot asf pursue her lifelong dream of being a professional writer. She’s never looked back.

A.S. adores writing stories filled with love, passion, desire, magic and maybe a little mayhem tossed in for good measure. Books have always been her perfect escape and she still relishes diving into one and staying up all night to finish a good story.

Look for her on the Historical or Paranormal Romance shelves. A.S. is the author of The Demon Hunters series, The End of Days Trilogy, Wishing Game, and more. A.S. will be bringing you her brand of edgy romance for years to come.

Originally from New York, she grew up in New Jersey, and now lives in the East Texas with her real life hero, her wonderful husband. When not reading or writing she enjoys cooking, travel, history, and puttering in her garden. Her babies are both rescues and include; a demanding dog and a temperamental cat, both bring constant joy and laughter.

A.S. loves connecting with readers. Here’s where you can find her.

Web Site-

Blog –

Facebook –

Goodreads –

Twitter –

Google +1 –



We’d Love to hear what you think of this new cover. A.S. Will be checking in and responding to any comments.

Romance Writers Weekly – The First Time…

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Welcome to the romance Writers Weekly blog hop, where every week a great group of romance writers answer questions and accept challenges. Diverse in what we write, we are unified in the quest to bring you, the romance reader, a very happy ever after.

You can join us daily on our Facebook Page:

Check out Ace by Lyra Parish

Check out Ace by Lyra Parish

If you’re starting your blog hop here, or just hopping over from Lyra Parish’s wonderful blog, welcome.

Today I provided our topic – Think back to that day you first decided you were going to write a book/story. Tell us about what led you to start putting those first words on the page.

I came up with this topic because I was remembering back to that time I first decided to write a book. I was completely naive about what it took, but I had this story rattling around in my head.

June, 1980: Yup, 36 years I’ve been at this, and I’ve got the rejections to prove it.

Anyway, I was a new father, and a few days after my son and wife came home from the hospital, we’d just put the baby down for his afternoon nap. I grabbed up my old manual typewriter (no computer back then) and just started typing. IMG_0389Yes, I still have that typewriter. I can’t seem to let it go.

Anyway, the story was a fantasy inspired by Tolkien’s The Lord Of The Rings and Terry Brooks’ Shannara series. I typed for days, every free moment I could find. And it was pretty bad. My spelling, grammar, sentence structure – complete crap.

But I still think the story is pretty good. It took me over 10 years to finish. And by finish I mean just barely begin. I had a very rough, rough draft, but I didn’t know that at the time. I packaged it up and sent it off (with the mandatory Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) and waited for the money to start rolling in. When it came back, it included my first official rejection.


Dear Author? Oh, that can’t be good.

The novel is still a piece of crap, though I have taken it out to work on from time to time. Maybe…someday…until then it’s hidden safely away from the world, in a drawer full of my early writings.

So, what inspired Leslie Hachtel to put pen to paper? Find out, as the Romance Writers Weekly blog hop continues at:

Check out Emma's Dance by Leslie Hachtel.

Romance Writers Weekly – Now what?

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Welcome to the romance Writers Weekly blog hop, where every week a great group of romance writers answer questions and accept challenges. Diverse in what we write, we are unified in the quest to bring you, the romance reader, a very happy ever after.

You can join us daily on our Facebook Page:

Check out Ace by Lyra Parish

Check out Ace by Lyra Parish

If you’re starting your blog hop here, or just hopping over from Lyra Parish’s wonderful blog, welcome.

Circle of Lies by Fiona Riplee

Circle of Lies by Fiona Riplee

Today’s topic comes from the wonderful Fiona Riplee – I’m curious what everyone is working on. Write about a new work in progress, new idea, or some characters that just won’t leave you alone.

Right now I’m in edits on Between Venus and Mars, a fun Science Fiction Romantic Comedy scheduled for release next year from Soul Mate publishing as part of their Soul Mate Tree flagship project. I’m very excited about this book and this project.


Between Venus and Mars 3_830x1250

The Soul Mate Tree
Between Venus and Mars


Once Upon a Galaxy . . .

Zana Starchild is on a mission to restore her tribe’s livestock and save herself from one more meal of kelp. Sure, it’s technically illegal to visit Old Earth, but to a rim rat like Zana, galactic laws are really just guidelines. Her wrecked starship just means she’ll need to use her backup plan to get off the abandoned world, an old Earth legend her uncle passed down to her.

Pulled from a relaxing shower, across the galaxy to Old Earth, Galactic Marshall Kyle Kepler finds himself naked and marooned with a quirky rim rat. Zana’s broken more laws than Kyle can count, and he plans to arrest her, just as soon as he can find transport off the planet and a pair of pants.

A junk heap of a starship, a magical tree, and a roving gang of mutant kangaroos are just the beginning of rollicking intergalactic journey filled with laughs, love, and adventure.


Look for it August 2017.

So, what is the amazing Leslie Hachtel working on?

Find out as the Romance Writers Weekly blog hop continues here:

Check out Emma's Dance by Leslie Hachtel.

Check out Emma’s Dance by Leslie Hachtel.

Romance Writers Weekly – The old man and the beagle-hound.

RWW FB Banner

Welcome to the romance Writers Weekly blog hop, where every week a great group of romance writers answer questions and accept challenges. Diverse in what we write, we are unified in the quest to bring you, the romance reader, a very happy ever after.

You can join us daily on our Facebook Page:

Game On by Dani Jace

Game On by Dani Jace

If you’re starting your blog hop here, or just hopping over from Dani Jace’s wonderful blog, welcome.

Click to check out Brenda's wonderful new novel, When Time Falls Still

Click to check out Brenda’s wonderful new novel, When Time Falls Still

Today our topic was submitted by Brenda Margriet – What kind of animal person are you? Do you have pets? If so, how do they influence your writing, or don’t they? What is the most unusual pet you’ve had, either as a child or adult?

I’ve only really owned one pet, a golden lab named Elvis that I acquired from a friend back before i was married. Every other pet in my life has owned me.

Elvis taught me, I’m not really a pet person.Taking care of kids was enough responsibility.

Still, as soon as she could talk, my daughter wanted pets. We went through three hamsters, and dozens of fish, technically my daughters pets that I always ended up taking care of. All the while I held firm: No cats or dogs. Hamsters stayed in their cages (mostly) and fish in their tanks.

Then my wife and daughter conspired against me. I wasn’t even aware we were getting a cat until I almost stumbled over it coming home from work one day. Not mine, but guess who it adopted. Yup. Me.

Shortly after Tiger entered our lives, we acquired Tigger. I didn’t name them, they weren’t mine, but they always seemed to end up in my bed at night.

Well, time passed, and so did Tiger and Tigger. I still miss them, the rascals.

My daughter grew up, moved out, and got married. Her new cat is all hers, though Oasis occasionally ends up in my lap. Recently, however, she and her husband acquired a new family member.


Meet Luka, a beagle/dachshund rescue dog. Luka is my new best friend. Once again, not my dog. I don’t want any pets. But I see her almost every day for a walk around the park and a good petting session. And yeah, I sneak her treats.

To find out about Lyra Parish’s pets, hop over to her blog at:

And check out her amazing Weakness series:

Weakness series


Romance Writers Weekly – The spark that fires the imagination.

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Welcome to the romance Writers Weekly blog hop, where every week a great group of romance writers answer questions and accept challenges. Diverse in what we write, we are unified in the quest to bring you, the romance reader, a very happy ever after.

You can join us daily on our Facebook Page:

Check out Emma's Dance by Leslie Hachtel.

Check out Emma’s Dance by Leslie Hachtel.

If you’re starting your blog hop here, or just hopping over from Leslie Hachtel’s wonderful blog, welcome.

Coming soon. Preorder today.

Coming soon.
Preorder today.

Our topic today comes from the amazing A.S. Fenichel – Choose one of your books and tell us where the idea came from. Was it a dream, an overheard conversation, did it spark from a previous book you wrote? How did the idea come to you and how did it evolve into a full story. If you want to share a snippet, that would be awesome too. 😀


When I wrote my Demons Rising series I actually wrote the second book first, as a stand alone novella. It was that story, and one particular character, that inspired the series. Though the series features three separate romances, it’s really the story of Nathan Gray, the sorcerer who is so much more. He entered The Forsaken Templar tale a full-blown mystery man and I realized I needed a prequel story to fully flesh him out, so There’s No Such Thing As Werewolves was born.

Demons RisingHere’s the way Nathan first appeared to me (From The Forsaken Templar):

     With a crack of thunder the doorway to purgatory slid open, ripping the bonds of reality. Through the mist a gaunt, old man stepped between the world of the living and the world of the damned. Nathan Gray was seeking a soul.

     His crisp black suit and clean white shirt seemed an ordered contrast to the chaos around him. His stilted walk was slow but purposeful. It was not his age that he felt, but rather the weight of humanity resting on his shoulders.

     A thousand voices cried out in hope – so many souls, doomed to spend eternity in torment. Nathan hardened his heart against the assault on his senses.  He knew the one he sought. Geoffrey le Court had never once called out to him. Yet, of them all, Geoffrey was the most deserving of redemption.


The mystical vampire in the ruined castle

He started as a minor character, and quickly grew to dominate the series. So who is Nathan Gray? A good place to start answering that question is right here:

Now, continue your blog hop by joining the wonderful Jenna Da Sie at