Update – Destiny: Cloud Fist

On Tuesday, I released the last few episodes of Destiny: Cloud Fist.

The story is complete, and all episodes are now up for reading on Kindle Vella.

You can read the first three episodes for free, and the rest for just a few pennies each. If you haven’t tried kindle Vella yet, check it out. (There’s a thumbs up button at the bottom of each episode and clicking on that really helps out the author.)

Check out Destiny Cloud Fist here: https://www.amazon.com/kindle-vella/story/B095XKSZ6Q

And if you’re not into reading on Kindle Vella, stay tuned, the regular Kindle ebook and paperback versions will be coming out soon(ish)

Amulet of the Fallen God – Free

Alright, so I have this epic fantasy book (that will one day be part of a series, I promise). Because of some of my other projects, it came out with little fanfare and is riding way under the radar, so I’m hoping you all can help me out a bit.

And don’t worry, it won’t cost you a cent. For the next few days, the Kindle version of the book is free. It is also free to read anytime on Kindle Unlimited.

Here’s the book:

Amulet of the Fallen God

When an ancient artifact falls into the hands of a young, inexperienced sorceress, Allsa, a battle-priestess of Thon, finds herself shepherding the young girl through a dangerous land, to find an ancient wizard from a tale she doesn’t even believe is true. Luckily, she has the help of a grumpy old dwarf, an obnoxious mercenary, an erudite elven wizard, and a new-wave minstrel.

Allsa can only wonder at the circumstances that made her the leader of this rag-tag band of adventurers. But the old human king is dead and the elven king is mad, and it’s up to her and her stalwart group to save the northlands from the impending Zarrum invasion.

Amulet of the Fallen God is an epic fantasy novel in the tradition of Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones.

Get it here: https://books2read.com/u/baneJv

I would be so grateful if you would pick up a copy to help the Amazon algorithm gods take notice of it. And if you do read it, please give it an honest review. I’d love to hear what you think of it.



Also, are you reading on Kindle Vella yet? (It’s where all the cool kids read.) Check out an incredible collection of Vella science fiction and fantasy stories. Remember, the first 3 episodes are free to read. Find your next favorite author here: https://books.bookfunnel.com/novemberkindlevella/sotrt1kloh

Happy reading,


Destiny (Season 1) is complete.

Today I sent the last three episodes of Destiny (Season 1): Cloud Fist to my editor. The story is complete, and I’m quite happy with it.

There will be a new episode out tomorrow and every Wednesday from now on until the story is complete. If you’re a fan of Kindle Vella, check it out at: https://www.amazon.com/kindle-vella/story/B095XKSZ6Q

If Vella doesn’t fit your reading style, don’t despair, the story will be out in paperback and Kindle eBook format shortly after the end of the year. And it will be free to read on Kindle Unlimited.

Plus, coming soon will be Destiny (Season 2): Morning Star. These stories will for the basis of my new Destiny Universe where i will be placing the updated versions of my Hearts in Orbit series once I get the rights back from my publisher next summer. Look for Blarmlings, Backtechers, and Space Pirates as the universe expands. It’s kind of like having my own big bang.

Find your next adventure in a book,
