Romance Writers Weekly – Where did I come up with that idea?

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Welcome to the romance Writers Weekly blog hop, where every week a great group of romance writers answer questions and accept challenges. Diverse in what we write, we are unified in the quest to bring you, the romance reader, a very happy ever after.

You can join us daily on our Facebook Page:

Check out The Dream Dancer by Leslie Hachtel.

The Dream Dancer by Leslie Hachtel.

If you’re sliding in here from Leslie Hachtel’s blog or just starting your hop here, welcome!

Today’s topic comes from A.S. Fenichel – Choose one of your books and tell us where the idea came from. Was it a dream, an overheard conversation, did it spark from a previous book you wrote? How did the idea come to you and how did it evolve into a full story. If you want to share a snippet, that would be awesome too.

Ah, that spark of inspiration.

I’m not sure where it came from, probably inspired by the upcoming Thor movie way back in 2011, but I got the picture of a Norse god on a motorcycle rolling up the rainbow bridge to Asgaard.

man no shirt motorcycle black looking smile

From there was born Son of Thunder. Here’s the scene that started it all:

The rainbow was right in front of her. It was surreal and brightly vibrant. As she got closer to it she noted the individual bands of color. Translucent, ethereal, she could see the landscape behind it, richly tinted by the bright colors. The rainbow stretched across the road ahead of them. She could actually see the end point.

“So where is the pot of gold?”

Oh please, that’s just a silly old myth.

There was a hint of humor in the belt’s voice.

The motorcycle was barreling right towards the point where the rainbow met the road and Meghan saw the end curl and stretch out, becoming a ramp. The cycle roared right up onto it.

Suddenly the world was at her back as they climbed up the rainbow steadily—straight up and away toward the clouds. Meghan felt sick, expecting at any time to plummet back toward the ground, but the cycle held true and continued to climb. Gravity seemed to pull down toward the rainbow, and not back toward the earth. The impossibility of what they were doing held her somewhere between fascinated and terrified.

Meghan tightened her grip around Jord’s waist. She wanted to scream. How was any of this possible? Suddenly they were lost in the clouds. The Harley roared along as the mist swirled around them. Then sunlight appeared—the sky overhead was bright and blue. They were up above the clouds.

They reached the top of the rainbow’s arc, but instead of dropping off, it leveled out. Ahead she saw a vast city resting on the clouds. There were tall buildings, shining golden in the sun. Most of them were massive.

The rainbow ended on a street that appeared to be paved with silver stones. Jord pulled up to the first building, a tall tower of a structure. As he turned off the cycle Meghan jumped from the seat and swatted his shoulder.

“You might have warned me a bit, about what to expect.” Her heart was still racing, but now that her feet appeared to be on solid ground again she felt herself calming down.

“Be honest.” He smiled at her. “Would you have believed me if I’d told you?”

Son of Thunder

So, where did A. S. Fenichel get the idea for her wonderful MAYAN AFTERGLOW novella. Find out here as the RWW blog hop continues:

Mayan Afterglow


Romance Writers Weekly – Meet me for lunch?

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Welcome to the romance Writers Weekly blog hop, where every week a great group of romance writers answer questions and accept challenges. Diverse in what we write, we are unified in the quest to bring you, the romance reader, a very happy ever after.

You can join us daily on our Facebook Page:

Check out The Dream Dancer by Leslie Hachtel.

Check out The Dream Dancer by Leslie Hachtel.

If you’re sliding in here from Leslie Hachtel’s blog or just starting your hop here, welcome!

Leslie also offers up today’s topic:

If you could have lunch with any writer (living) and just chat about stuff, who would you choose and what do you think you would talk about?

I’m a late bloomer when it comes to romance. My early years were spent with my nose in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, Anne McCaffrey, and Robert E. Howard.

My line now is: “You always remember your first romance.” And I certainly do.

One day, about 15 years ago, while I was searching for something new to read, my wife handed me Enchanted by Nora Roberts saying, “I think you’ll like this.”


Wow, did I ever. And I’ve read romance from that time forward. But I always remember my first, and have reread it often.

So my choice would be the amazing Nora Roberts. Who wouldn’t want to sit down to lunch with the Queen of Romance?

And then, of course, I would be speechless. Sigh.

So, who would A.S. Fenichel have lunch with? Find it out as the Romance Writers Weekly blog hop continues at:

And be sure to check out her amazing Demon Hunters series:


Romance Writers Weekly – What has it gots in its pocketses???

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Welcome to the romance Writers Weekly blog hop, where every week a great group of romance writers answer questions and accept challenges. Diverse in what we write, we are unified in the quest to bring you, the romance reader, a very happy ever after.

You can join us daily on our Facebook Page:

When Time Falls Still

I get the dubious honor of kicking off today’s blog hop where today Brenda Margriet asks: What’s in your purse? What does what you carry tell others about you?

And check out this excerpt from Brenda’s amazing novel When Time Falls Still: <Click Here>

Well, I don’t carry a purse, or a murse for that matter, but I do carry a bit of stuff around with me in my pockets.

So let’s take a look:

Not exactly Batman's Utility Belt

Keys: Car, house, and all those little bar-code cards you need to shop just about anywhere nowadays.

Pocket knife: For opening packages, cutting strings & threads, and general guy-tool usage.

Nail Clipper: Grooming, precision cutting strings and wires, another multi-purpose tool.

Chap Stick: Necessary especially during Wisconsin winters.

Breath Strips: Because you never know…

Wallet: Cash, Credit Cards, Drivers License.

Business Card Case


Puppy Poop Bag (I don’t have a dog, but I do walk my daughter’s puppy on a daily basis. Always good to have a backup.)

Not Pictured: My iPhone, because I used it to take the picture.

Now hop on over to Xio Axelrod’s blog to see what she carries with her:

But before you leave,check out one of my favorite new series, Xio’s amazing Falling Stars series:

Falling StarsFS_Starlight_600-188x300