
Last Friday, while I was out of town, the postman brought me a huge Christmas present.Holding the check in my hands it still feels a bit unreal. My first paycheck as a professional writer. Okay, its only $25.00, but it sure feels great to have made some real, actual money with my little ‘hobby’.

As my body of work continues to grow, and I look into new avenues for publication, I’m looking forward to a few more paychecks in the coming year. Amulet of the Fallen God is really close to being finished. I just have a few more chapters to edit then it’s off to my beta readers. This will give me two completed novels, and three novellas. I am seriously considering self publishing Cheetah and Zoom, to test the waters of self publishing. An artist friend of mine is working on some artwork, and my wife has offered to look into how to package the product, so we will see.

I have lots of work to do, and a bright new year to do it in. My new years writing resolution is to finish two more novels. One will be a romance, the other probably Science Fiction. I’d also like to finish the third novella in the Demon Gate saga. I’m going to keep throwing stuff at the publication wall to see if anything sticks.

Happy Holidays to everyone,


A time to dig in.

I can’t remember a time I’ve been so enthusiastic about anything. This feels good, it feels right and while at times it feels like I’m not making progress, I do feel the quality and quantity of my writing picking up. Over the past few weeks I’ve added over 30,000 words to my novel Amulet of the Fallen God. I passed the 84,000 word mark today and am starting to see the end in sight. I am so proud of my characters. Sure, I knew where the primary characters were heading, but so many times my minor characters stepped up to play roles I never envisioned at the start of this work. As I get to know them better more story arcs open up and my little world expands.

Yes, my characters speak to me. If that makes me crazy, I don’t want to be sane. I would especially like to thank my villains for a level of evil and wickedness I could never have come up with on my own. Malnik saved his own life at the end because, well, he’s just too much fun to write, to kill off…yet. And then there’s Tallon. Wait until you meet this guy.

Anyway, things go well in my life and my alternate universe. I got word that my contract and check for A Requiem for Poseidon will be in the mail within the next two weeks. Still no time frame for publication though. I have submitted Son of Thunder to the RWA Golden Heart contest, and sent out There’s no such thing as Werewolves to a publisher that advertized it was looking for Novellas.

Happy Holidays to everyone who stops by. I look for good things in the New Year.
